Sunday, April 12, 2009

Another New Project

I really need to learn to finish one project before starting another. I found out that a co-worker is getting married, so I thought I'd make something for a gift. Can you guess what it is?


Anonymous said...

A pillow with a Celtic Cross? (Whatever it is it looks neat and I would love to see the finished product - but it sounds like you are much like me and will run to a new project before finishing it :)

Harpy Queen said...

You are correct, I better get it done on time, it's suppose to be a wedding present.

Camilla said...


Noticed in your bio you said "in my heart I'm a Minnesotan." Do you like Prairie Home Companion with Garrison Keillor? We have a group that gets together to listen to it in SL every Saturday. You are welcome to join us!

Harpy Queen said...

Never listened to it while I lived there.